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Suzi Landolphi, LMFT

I am a licensed marriage and family therapist, but that is simply my occupation. My passion has always been working to support social and personal justice for those who have been marginalized. I help transform struggles to strengths so people can create the life they don't realize they deserve.

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One of my greatest honors and distinctions is growing up in a family with members of African American, Native American, Italian and English ancestry.

We experienced life-threatening childhood and cultural trauma with all of its devastating effects on personal worth and well-being.  AND we also experienced amazing growth and gifts from that same historical and family trauma.

Every era I have lived "in" has brought me and my work to the same conclusion:  Our deep connection and interdependence is the foundation of our individual and collective wellbeing.  When we as clinicians, focus on giving diagnoses that start with "you have and you are" we embolden the effects of trauma and lessen the obvious strengths, courage, and abilities of those we serve. 

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The clinical professions have had to look closely at their own biased and hurtful "scientific expertise."  We, oftentimes, find that which we believe to be true before we start our exploration.  There is hope.  The mental health community has admitted when it has "done more harm than good."  It's time to admit again that we, as clinicians, must change the medical model by lessening our hypocrisy focus on "it's not what is wrong with our clients, it's what happened" to them.   It's time for a true social justice movement for mental health and wellbeing.

Growth and gifts from trauma is a clinical focus that creates foundational self-worth.  We must prescribe "doing differently to get different" and model the training that will truly create the life we deserve and stop the historical and family transmission of trauma.


Businesses & Organizations Suzi Provides Her Guidance & Expertise

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